Lighthouse Counseling offers full individual DBT skills treatment with DBT trained clinicians. If clients are interested in the full skills program, they will be matched with an individual therapist to provide individual DBT treatment while also attending a once-a-week DBT Skills Training Group. Clients seeking full individual DBT treatment are required to attend skills group while receiving individual treatment. While enrolled in the program, clients will be expected to attend two sessions per week (individual and group). Clients will be required to complete a weekly diary card while also committing to reducing self-harm and suicidal gestures. Individual therapists will work collaboratively with clients and group therapists to reinforce skill training in individual treatment. DBT Skills Group teach clients skills in the following areas: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotional regulation. Group runs on-going. Clients can be seen in-person and via telehealth for individual and group treatment.